Life's Litterbox: Stuff made for me ^.^
you're poking a litterbox?!


All you did, and didn't want to know about me

my prestigious artgallery

places where you might find me

yes, this *is* litter... And yes you *are* touching it...

Onward: to the guestbook!


Look! People that actually drew stuff for me! Since, as I said, I'm very un-famous, most of this art is stuff that I received in picture trades. If anyone has the slightest whim to draw one of my characters. Please do! I love doing art trades and receiving art! and I will love you forever ^.^ (well, not literally, but you'll get to see it here!) 


tori-b-day1.jpg (62399 bytes)

tori-b-day2.jpg (62696 bytes)

This is a card I got from my friend Tori. hehehe. I love it ^.^ It's a card, so, there are two parts. the first one is the one on the top. She did it so that only the top folded over, that's why there's a line through the first picture. 
fer_ali.gif (63833 bytes)   Kaido
Wow! My first real "fanart"! And done by one of my favourite artists too! Yay! ^.^ 
muskleytemair.jpg (32813 bytes)   Amarok
This is the only picture I have here now, (I will hopefully soon get more) it was a half of a picture trade ^.^ 

All content on this page is © ( copyright) 2001 to Ali  Martin (Wingedfrogz) and is  not to be copied or altered without her permission.