Everyday Things Life's Left Behind: so watch your step
you're poking a litterbox?!


All you did, and didn't want to know about me

my prestigious artgallery

places where you might find me

yes, this *is* litter... And yes you *are* touching it...

Onward: to the guestbook!



Everyday things Life has left behind


November 24, 2001 my Livejournal
The current mood of yaanryuu@hotmail.com at www.imood.com

Do you know what is scary? That I'm gettting more traffic now that I can't even update my site anymore! This is crazy! You don't know how bad I need (well...want) to get a new site. Now you may be wondering "hey, I thought she couldn't update anymore, so how is she changing this?" Well, the answer to that is that stupid Freeservers has a measly little html editor in it. Which is how I updated this right now, by typing html. Now that wouldn't be *too* bad, except that html is extremly complecated and basically all I have figured out how to do with it is type and create links. Which is evil.

But since so many people are visiting my poor, updated denied website, I'll provide you with links where you can see art and such. But don't forget: I STILL CHECK THE GUESTBOOK, SO SIGN IT! I'll e-mail you back if you have any questions, but my e-mail is yaanryuu@hotmail.com not what the other e-mail buttons say. And maybe I'll even update this part with news on how the other website I'm working on is coming along.

Bad, bad news for everyone that is faithful to this site (do you really isist?) Freeservers has asked that I (nd all other people formerly using there wonderful free webservice are now being forced to pay, or we're not alowd to use ftp. Well this sucks because that's how I update my site. (Except for this update, because I'm using the html editor)

Do not fear too much though, I am planning on buying a domain name. This should happen in about a month. So come back in febuary and I'll give you the link (possibilities now are phwee.com or scribblage.com) So everyone: Thanks for visiting my site, it means alot that I actually ot over 200 hits. If you want more details, you could always e-mail me. (hint. hint.)


All content on this page is © ( copyright) 2001 to Ali  Martin (Wingedfrogz) and is  not to be copied or altered without her permission.