you're poking a litterbox?!


All you did, and didn't want to know about me

my prestigious artgallery

places where you might find me

yes, this *is* litter... And yes you *are* touching it...

Onward: to the guestbook!



Well, 'cause I felt kinda sorry for my friend who's computer can't really support the internet, so I decided that I'd make her a place for her art on my site. Yay!
And remeber: this stuff is all © to her! no stealing from her either!
What Tori has to say:  
e-mail Tori!
selfpotrait.jpg (32480 bytes) This is me, sort of... I didn't put every thing in... I'm 14 years old and live in Canada. As you see... I love drawing, and I hope you do too!


dunja-trina.jpg (49228 bytes) Kay... the big dragon is Dunja, the baby is Trina. As you probably guessed, they have the element of water on their sides! 
midnight.jpg (47691 bytes) This lovely... snarling... cranky thing is Midnight Angel, personally, I think she's pretty, well, pretty! She has magic powers, but I'm not absolutely sure what they are yet, though. She isn't really done yet.
tycho-original.jpg (97367 bytes) I love this one! It's the original drawing of my griffen Tycho; otherwise known as Morning Haze. He belongs to my character Nova (who is my alter ego) His nickname is Psycho Tycho.
riveler.jpg (59557 bytes) Riveler... Personally, I think he looks like something from a nightmare... But hey! He's cool! I've decided he belongs to Draco, the evil bad guy in my story.
aura-thayne.jpg (109077 bytes) Well, lots to say about this one! The griffen in the back's name is Kaiya; or "darkened flame". Her owner, or more, partner, is the girl with the gold shirt. Her name is Aura, the guy's name is Thayne. Oh! and the little bug is a flutter-fly. It has ice wings.
aura-ten.JPG (70214 bytes) Not much to say about this one... Aura, when she was ten.
umeme.jpg (108367 bytes) Umeme means lightning in Swahili, but she looks more like a fire cat-dragon than a lightning one! Anyhow, her name is Umeme.
Ali says: I remember this, it was part of the species I was trying to create. (I drew the head on the one ^.^) 
Fwuuf.JPG (18859 bytes) This is Fwuff, an all around cute kitten who appeared... when I was bored. Amazing what cute things show up when you're bored out of your mind! 

All content on this page is © ( copyright) 2001 to Ali  Martin (Wingedfrogz) and is  not to be copied or altered without her permission.