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'cause I felt kinda sorry for my friend who's computer can't really support the
internet, so I decided that I'd make her a place for her art on my site. Yay! And
remeber: this stuff is all © to her! no stealing from her either!
What Tori has to say: |
Tori! |
This is me, sort of... I didn't put every thing in... I'm 14 years old and
live in Canada. As you see... I love drawing, and I hope you do too!
Kay... the big dragon is Dunja, the baby
is Trina. As you probably guessed, they have the element of water on
their sides! |
This lovely... snarling... cranky thing is
Midnight Angel, personally, I think she's pretty, well, pretty! She has
magic powers, but I'm not absolutely sure what they are yet, though. She
isn't really done yet. |
I love this one! It's the original drawing
of my griffen Tycho; otherwise known as Morning Haze. He belongs to my
character Nova (who is my alter ego) His nickname is Psycho Tycho. |
Riveler... Personally, I think he looks
like something from a nightmare... But hey! He's cool! I've decided he
belongs to Draco, the evil bad guy in my story. |
Well, lots to say about this one! The
griffen in the back's name is Kaiya; or "darkened flame". Her
owner, or more, partner, is the girl with the gold shirt. Her name is
Aura, the guy's name is Thayne. Oh! and the little bug is a flutter-fly.
It has ice wings. |
Not much to say about this one... Aura,
when she was ten. |
Umeme means lightning in Swahili, but she
looks more like a fire cat-dragon than a lightning one! Anyhow, her name
is Umeme. Ali says: I remember this, it
was part of the species I was trying to create. (I drew the head on the
one ^.^) |
This is Fwuff, an all around cute
kitten who appeared... when I was bored. Amazing what cute things show
up when you're bored out of your mind! |