Art farts: miskellaneeus
you're poking a litterbox?!


All you did, and didn't want to know about me

my prestigious artgallery

places where you might find me

yes, this *is* litter... And yes you *are* touching it...

Onward: to the guestbook!



This is for all the miskellaneeus stuff. In other words, the odds and ends that don't fit in to my other categories. If your here, you probably already know that the more recent stuff is à top and the older stuff is at bottom. But maybe you just needed a brain refresher.  


turnip.jpg (18328 bytes) Yay! the turnip! Bow before it in it's amazing power. Sandy and I actually carved one for our Halloween project. 
Sam.jpg (110572 bytes)   It's Sam the cat, doing something I never saw him do the whole week I was in Ottawa. This is a present for my aunt, uncle and cousin that let me stay with them while I was in art camp. Sam is a real cat (not like Herbert) that never seemed to sleep. (I'm getting better at Photoshop ^.^)
snake.jpg (40631 bytes)   Another boredom drawing done in the car. Except this one on the way back. I'm not quite sure what inspired it. 

All content on this page is © ( copyright) 2001 to Ali  Martin (Wingedfrogz) and is  not to be copied or altered without her permission.