Life's Litterbox: artsy fartsy hoomans
you're poking a litterbox?!


All you did, and didn't want to know about me

my prestigious artgallery

places where you might find me

yes, this *is* litter... And yes you *are* touching it...

Onward: to the guestbook!



Wow! sections! This is where I'll put any "hoomans" I draw (humans for those wondering) This might be a pretty small section, because I don't draw humans that much. Oh well. Enjoy. (other almost important stuff: the most recent pics are at the top)

me-standing.jpg (33176 bytes) Tis me, standing. That is all.
Angie.JPG (219733 bytes) Picture trade with Ashley Laura McArthur, she's amazing at CG colouring. I don't really like how the face turned out, and I did the background fast, so I'm not very happy with it either. 
missingband.JPG (175897 bytes) This is a caricature of Missing (the band nextdoor) I didn't draw the picture, I just coloured it. I think I might actually be getting better at it... 

All content on this page is © ( copyright) 2001 to Ali  Martin (Wingedfrogz) and is  not to be copied or altered without her permission.