Yes. Yet *another* picture of Temair. As you may
notice, I changed the colouring around a little bit. I didn't mean for
her wings to turn out so rainbow-y. But they did. It's all done in
pencil crayon. 24/11/01 |
I did this picture of Temair a while ago now now. I
drew the picture on the back of one of my dividers, then I played with
filters. Filters are fun... 24/11/01 |
I did this when I was having a slight obsession with
skateboard logos. They're SO cool! Well, this came out. He needs a name
though. 24/11/01 |
This is my part of a picture trade with Elina.
We each created a new character for each other. I forget what she came
up with a new for it >.< |
I had this picture for my splash page for a while.
But for some reason, I never uploaded it here. Well. Now it is
here. |
This is a birthday present to Cori. Who was nice
enough to add me to her friends list on livejournal. And made me a
gallery on the foxxis website. Happy Birthday! |
This was a birthday present to my nextdoor neighbor,
Jon. It's for his band, Missing. That's their logo on it's shoulder. |
Yay! I finally downloaded a gif animator, and cropped
this so I could put it on my webpage. This is "line testing" I
did at the animation camp I went to in Ottawa. It's not one of
characters really, though it looks a lot like either Temair or
Twilight. |
Well this is my foxxis, Twilght. (It's now an
official foxxis ^.^)I'm really happy how it turned out, now I just need
to think of a last name for it. |
This is my little fanart pic I did for Kaido. When I
was inking it, I thought I'd do thicker lines, then I got a little
carried away. I wasn't even going to colour it, but then decided to, and
discovered to "dodge" and "burn" tools. I hope she
likes it ^.^ |
This is my half of a picture trade with Amarok
Tristalli. This is the half she did for me I
like how the wings turned out transparency-y ^.^ |
This is my portfolio I made at the camp. It's Temair, my dragon, new and
improved. The characters behind her tail are black and wing, because- she has
black wings. And that's me in the corner, I'm holding a pencil wing the opposable
toes on my foot. |
This is Akhet (said Aukzt) It was one of my original
atempts at creating a Foxxis. But then I changed it and resubmitted a
new one *points up the list* But, I like the design of this guy, so
here's Akhet, my winged-cat... thing... ^.^ I'll go back to putting it
with Umeme, and the rest of my winged cat