Art farts: anthros
you're poking a litterbox?!


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yes, this *is* litter... And yes you *are* touching it...

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Anthros are basically humans with animal traits, and animal with human traits. Anyway you define it, they're fun to draw. 


twilightanthro-coloured.jpg (83767 bytes)   This is my is my foxxis character, as an anthro. I like how she turned out. Yes. 
comic copy.jpg (432504 bytes)   This is my comic, I'm very proud of it, even though it doesn't really make sense. It's all a dream... With Snakey-poo in it (Snakey-poo is the snake in the claymation movie one of my friends and I made) The head animator at OSA wanted a copy of it though, so again, I is very, very, proud.
modeling.jpg (197546 bytes)   This is a modeling exercise we did in the Cartooning and animation class I went to last week. We had to draw a comic, but before that, we had to model our character. Well, this my character modeling.
me-sit.jpg (26300 bytes)   This is my main character, i.e.: when I want to draw me, I draw this character, I had to explain that before. Anyways, this is a boredom drawing I did on my way to Ottawa. It's all in blue pen. 

All content on this page is © ( copyright) 2001 to Ali  Martin (Wingedfrogz) and is  not to be copied or altered without her permission.